The blog buddy!

 Hello everyone! 

It's my pleasure to present to you my Blog buddy - Inês!

Inês is the age of 17 and she is from Portugal (Lisbon) - really gorgeous place full of art. It's really a wonderful person which loves listening the music - it's her passion! She really like listening the R&B, Indii Folk and Rap. Nowadays, she is doing Art and Design with a progression route to Illustration. . 

Favourite  dream

Inês biggest dream is being a happy and enjoying her life! In the future she want to have a job which will be her passion. It's really great dream to do what she loves.

What was the favourite activity when she was a child?

When Inês was a little girl she really liked to visit great places at Lisbon, hang out with her friend and enjoy her life. There are a lot of beautiful architectural buildings and pretty places, I'm sure she had wonderful childhood memories.

Some of purposes

She think abut being a tattoo artist and illustration in the following years. These are really good purposes for such creative person like Inês 

Thank you very much for your time and attention.

Warmest Regards.

Michal Larysz 


  1. Great introduction to your blog buddy. Now make sure you keep an eye on each other's blogs and give support on the work they are doing.

  2. With pleasure! Thank you very much!


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